Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pipes everywhere

Yahoo Pipes is really smart mashup engine, which only giant Yahoo can afford to offer. I thought it's great service because it had democratized mashup a little more than before. But I became very excited when I noticed they are actually offering browser-direct external connectivity. Yes it's known as JSONP.

This is a simple pipe, provided by, which accepts RSS URL input and generates output in JSON(P) format.

Test JSONP from Here.

Saturday, February 03, 2007 AJAX Toolkit and Firebug

Now I'm a's employee, recently using AJAX Toolkit so much often. Manoj Cheenath's AJAX Tools is really cool, but sometime I need some instant way to access Apex API from browser.

This is a bookmarklet to load salesforce's AJAX Toolkit on demand. Register this link to your browser's bookmarks.

load AJAX Toolkit

While you are in's instance (I mean in *, click the registered bookmarklet. Then open your firebug (or any other javascript shell) and put this into console.

sforce.connection.query('SELECT Id, Name FROM Account')

You can connect Apex DB and inspect data anytime.